Monday, August 31, 2009

First ER visit

A couple of Sundays ago, Jason and I were sharing with some friends from the ward that none of our kids have ever been to the Emergency Room. After fourteen years and four kids, our streak has been broken. Here's our story.

After Andrew's graduation (see previous post), he had a town pass. On Saturday, we visited the Tower of Americas and had an expensive, but delicious lunch up there.
Then we went to Malibu Castle- similar to Golf N' Stuff in Tucson. They had bumper boats, mini-golf and go-carts. On Randy's first go-cart drive, he was bumped from behind and crashed.
Jason was taking pictures from the stands, and could tell by the way the attendant had to support him that Randy had really been hurt.
We put ice on the purple bump on his temple and I monitored him while the rest of the family continued to play. After a while, it became obvious that this was a serious knock and needed some attention. Had we been in Katy, we probably would have watched him from home. But facing a 3 hour drive ahead of us, we (I) wanted to make sure he was OK.
After some confusion, we found Methodist Children's Hospital. Andrew carried him in, and the attending RN wouldn't even let us sit down. He was immediately taken back for an assessment and then put in a bed. The doctor saw him within 10 minutes of walking in the doors.

Thank goodness Andrew was with us. He had made a first-aid assessment of Randy and relayed his symptoms perfectly. He stayed out in the waiting room with the other kids, so that Jason and I were both able to go back with Randy for his head CT.
Randy was diagnosed with a concussion and is going to be OK. He's on restricted activities for the week- but can still go to school. (Rats!) We got home to Katy at about 2 AM, but everyone was safe and accounted for. I'm just counting my many blessings.

However, I think the Welkers are finished with go-carts.


Heather (wife, mom) said...

good job Uncle Andrew! glad Randy is okay, and he has a fun story to tell-

jason said...

I agree with Heather. We were blessed this weekend, especially to be able to spend time with Andrew and honor his accomplishments. And also to have him there to recognize Randy's symptoms and recommend we see the doctor. Randy handled the entire weekend very well, including his mishap, and in large part because of his uncle.

Brooke said...

Glad to hear that Randy's ok. I'm sure it just confirmed what a grown-up baby brother Andrew is after that experience too :)

For the record I'm still very impressed with your 14 yr streak of no ER visits. AND - that when you finally went it was such a fast-response/good care/great help overall positive experience! (that is rare for ER visits, just so you know)

Jill said...

Scary! Seems like a fairly good first ER experience...if there can be such a thing?!! I'm glad things turned out okay.

Val said...

Goodness Gracious - that's scary! Go carts?? Sheesh. Relieved and happy to hear Randy's ok!

loriwelker said...

How incredibly lucky you were to have Andrew with you! I am SOOOOOO glad that Randy is ok! When I saw that post by Jason on there I freaked! so glad all is well! Tell that nephew of mine to get better!

Karen Scott Welker said...

Just an FYI, Lori. If it was a truly traumatic injury, Jason wouldn't be posting about it on Facebook. No need to freak about anything either of us post there. I won't be posting about horrific news on any kind of public forum. ;-)