Friday, July 24, 2009

Short people

(Disclaimer: I realize that there are quite a few Lucy posts in my blog. For that, I apologize. I don't love Lucy more than my other three kids. There just isn't much blog-worthiness to video game playing or TV watching, which is pretty much all they've done this summer.)

Yesterday, while Lucy and Randy were off playing their own electronic games, Ty, Emily and I sat down to watch a Harry Potter movie. Attracted to the noise, Lucy came to investigate the fun we were having without her. She looked at the TV and asked, "Is this the kind of movie that gives nightmares to short people?"

That's when I realized that was how she viewed herself. She's not young or little, just short. She sees herself as our equals in every way, except she needs her "ladder" (ie: step-stool) to reach things. She understands that this vertically challenged situation will be rectified eventually. Until then, she reminds us daily that any differences we may think we see are figments of our imagination. We may put her to bed early, but she will not fall asleep before we do, and is down-stairs constantly to remind us that she is still awake. She needs no help from parents or siblings when getting dressed, combing hair, playing games or anything else for that matter. She realizes her spelling skills are weak, but figures a couple of weeks of kindergarten will fix that.

I love this little, sorry, SHORT person. She is creative and intelligent. She is stubborn and head-strong. She breaks into sobs and laughter effortlessly, often one right after the other. She is funny and extremely clever. I have to tread carefully however, because she becomes very perturbed when I laugh at the things she says. She makes it tough, though. For instance. . .

. . . This morning, Tyler and Lucy were playing their "Do-you-love-me?" game. Some background- when Lucy was really little, much shorter, we would ask her if she loved various people in the family. She said "yes" to everyone, except Tyler. He would pout and she would laugh. That has always been their special game. Today, Ty was going through the family and he got to me.

Ty: Do you love Mommy?
Lucy: No.
Ty: You don't?!
Lucy: (sigh) No, Daddy is the only parent I love. Because he's hot.

OK, how do you not laugh at that?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Cautionary Tale

by Lucy Welker

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess and her best friend was a pink dragon. The dragon was a girl. They played together. They had fun at Chuck E. Cheese's.

But then, the evil Mom came.

But then, she exploded.

The End

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Grand Trip

Jason constantly ribs his parents about never taking him to the Grand Canyon as a kid. Here he is- a native Arizonan- and has never visited the source of his state's nick-name. I'd never been either. My parents took all my brothers and sisters while I was slaving away in beautiful West Yellowstone, MT the summer before my senior year in high school. But that's another story.

Since we were going to be in AZ anyway, Jason's parents decided it was time to "right the wrong" or "shut Jason up"- whichever version you want to believe. They had been camping in northern Arizona for Independence Day and it was convenient for them to move their trailer over to Flagstaff. The weather was beautiful. The canyon was beautiful. Everyone enjoyed the few days away from the heat. Randy even ate at restaurants on the trip- twice! I don't remember the last time he ate a grilled cheese sandwich, but he confidently ordered it and then ate every bit. Lovely! As we were leaving the park, we saw a giant elk, peacefully chowing on road side grass. He was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen an animal that large, outside of a zoo.

Again, I've posted a slide-show of our pictures on YouTube. Jason took some great shots. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fourth Fun

Every year, my family gathers in Sierra Vista, AZ to celebrate Independence Day. It's evolved into a really big deal. They start with golf and a visit to The Cove- an indoor wave pool with slides, hot tub and diving boards. Then they head to the Youth Center that they've rented for their private party. They eat, play pool, foos-ball, ping-pong, air hockey and eat some more. The party is complete with Sierra Vista's fireworks show- the "largest fireworks display in Southern Arizona."

Every year, I'm jealous.

But this year, we trekked from hot, humid Houston to hot, dry Arizona. Our 4th of July was tons of fun. I asked my kids about their favorite part of the day. Lucy said she loved eating. She ate a hamburger bun and soda. Yum. Randy liked playing pool. Emily and Tyler loved the fireworks. Jason and I agreed that the best part was being with family. Every time I looked up for a head-count, my kids were with different cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents.

We had perfect weather, perfect fun, perfect (practically) family. The only thing that would have made our holiday positively perfect was to have Robert's family, Susan's husband and my youngest brother -who's in Basic Training, right now- join us.

Maybe next year?

(What?! No pictures?! Actually, we took way too many. Click here to "oooh" and "aaaah" our slide show.)