Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pearls to Contemplate

On Monday, our Seminary class will be discussing Jacob 2- specifically the topic of Pride. We will be using the following True/False quiz to start the lesson. How well will you do? (Clarifications in parentheses will not be on my class's quiz. Just something additional for you to contemplate.)

1. If you don't like someone, (including political figures?) then you have pride.
2. Arguing (about politics?) is a form of pride.
3. The way to overcome pride is by going to church.
4. There are some forms of pride that are good (particularly the achievements of your children).
5. Disobedience to someone in authority (idiot cops?) over you is pride.
6. Gossiping (unless it's true?) is a form of pride.
7. If you have pride, you welcome input from others.
8. Poor people don't have pride because they don't have money.
9. Pride isn't as serious a sin as fornication.
10. Holding onto grudges is pride.

I won't be posting answers myself. The answer key can be found in Pres. Ezra Taft Benson's landmark talk on pride.

What would you add to a lesson on pride?


Castaneda 5 said...

Oh my! Maybe I should come to seminary that day! I could use that lesson.

Cindi said...

I would add Pride cometh before the fall. It fits in all situations and along with each of your questions. Thanks for bringing back around again. I think a lesson like this is a lesson that we continually need to hear throughout our entire life. Thanks for sharing Karen!

Susan said...

We gave Sacrament Meeting talks on Pride/Humility recently! It can't be talked about too much because it's not something that you can really complete, or cross off a list - like Visiting Teaching, FHE, or daily scripture study. You can get 100% humility for the month!

Susan said...

I meant you CAN'T get 100%. (proof-read *before* you submit comments, Sue)

Brooke said...

wow - thanks for sharing. It gives me more insight as to what a FABULOUS seminary teacher you must be!

I actually remember one of my seminary classes (one of the few that has stuck with me) on Pride because it was so eye-opening. It was my soph year of HS, Bro. Romrell, Book of Mormon and I can't remember the specifics to give you any suggestions, but I think what you have shared is right on the money.

GOOD JOB! You should share how it goes.