Saturday, October 17, 2009

Super Saturday!

My sister-in-law has the most amazing personalized clock hanging in her front room. When I asked where she purchased it, she told me she made it at a Relief Society activity. I took a picture of it, and showed it to the craftiest friend I know. Tara loved the idea and we decided we would figure out how to do it.
A year (!) later, Tara asks me if I'm still interested in making a personalized clock. She found out that another ward in our stake was making them for their Super Saturday activity and we had permission to "crash" if we wanted to.
Four hours later, this is my creation. I am amazed at how great it turned out, AND it was tons of fun to spend my day with some great friends. Jason held down the home-front, cracking the whip on Saturday chores, and then rewarding the kids with a trip to the movies.
Yep, it was a super Saturday.

(Now, I can't wait for OUR ward's Super Saturday in November.)


Heather (wife, mom) said...

i have also admired brookes clock. i am on the enrichment committee and i will have to pull for these next year for our super saturday. we'll just need someone to cut the wood for us...

yours looks beautiful! great job!

Susan said...

It looks great Karen - I love it! We had our Super Saturday last weekend and we did a service auction in which I won free babysitting! Hooray for Super Saturdays everywhere!

Tara said...

Oh my are fast!! I am so jealous you got it hung already and you thought it would take you a while! It looks great on your wall! I had fun today too...I am glad we finally got to do our clocks!! Maybe we can think of another idea this month and we can finish it next year! ;)

Cindi said...

Karen, your clock is awesome! Great job. Our super saturday is lacking in a big way. Your clock looks great on your wall.

Anonymous said...

That is SUPER! Hey girl will you send me the info on the ID protection please! Thanks

Jim said...

Loved the clock, good work, and thanks to all those who took all the time to put on a Super super Saturday. We don't do them, and I miss them.

Brooke said...

Wow Karen, that looks great! I had planned, if our ward ever did it again, to offer to make one for you, but this would have outdone it anyway! Good job, and cute kids to pose with it as well :)

loriwelker said...

Thats awesome!!!! I wanna do something like that for mom and dad for Christmas!!!!!

The Katy Daileys said...

Love the clock and Tara IS the craftiest person I know, too. I am going private (again)! E-mail me so I can add you to the list! Thanks!