Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What My Kids Learned from the President of the United States of America

(This is in no way a political post. I will not get into the details of whether or not the President should or should not be addressing America's children the day before he addresses both houses of Congress. Just wanted to share our discussion at the dinner table.)

While dishing dinner out tonight, I asked each of the kids what was the best thing that happened today. Emily said that she got to miss the President's speech by going to a doctor's appointment. Randy perked up and he said that he listened to the President's speech. I had read the contents of the speech earlier and was curious to see what he had picked up. Randy answered,"If I don't learn, I get kicked out of the country."

Lucy chimed in that she saw "Brock O. Bama." When we asked her what she learned, she said, "Um, I learned that the United States is really real."

So, there you go, America. That's what your children got out of your President's big speech.


Heather (wife, mom) said...

Love it! Brock O. Bama could be a cartoon character.... Lucy's the best!

Jim said...

That is great. I'm glad you are a concern parent that 1. knew what was in the speech before your kids viewed it, and 2. asked them about it. What about Tyler? Did he get to see it? Love to all. Mom