2. Emily psyching our dog- Emily pretended she was holding a treat in her hand and would let Bullet sniff her fingers. She didn't have anything at all, but she acted like she did. It should have been obvious that there was nothing there for him, but Bullet was going nuts. She would pretend to throw it and Bullet would take off after it. She had him going for a good 15 minutes. Poor (dumb) dog.
3. Tyler and church- Tyler was the only one who made it to church today. As he walked in the door, he said, "You missed a good one." He shared his testimony in Sacrament, loved his Teacher's class and went home-teaching with Bro. Turner. What a good kid he is.
4. Former Home Teachers- Beloved Bro. Skye sent a box of Cocoa Puffs home with Tyler because he knew it was Randy's favorite. Love that guy.
5. Humble Brother-in-laws- We got a sweet email from Dave this week. I just wanted to let him know he was in our thoughts and prayers.
6. BBC Adaptations of Jane Austen Books- With Jason out of town for his grandmother's funeral, I got the TV to myself. I watched "Persuasion" last night and reserved "Sense and Sensibility" for tomorrow. Woo-hoo!
7. Waffles for Dinner- Um, I think this is self-explanatory.
8. Handwritten Notes from a Friend- Actually, this made me just a little bit weepy. I'll miss you, Tonya.
9. Pictures of my Crazy Kids- This picture wasn't taken this weekend. I just didn't want a picture-less post.
What didn't make me smile? Being a single mom for the weekend. But I'm glad Jason is with his family this weekend. I just wanted to let him know how much I love and miss him.
And eegee's. I miss eegee's.