Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Grand Trip

Jason constantly ribs his parents about never taking him to the Grand Canyon as a kid. Here he is- a native Arizonan- and has never visited the source of his state's nick-name. I'd never been either. My parents took all my brothers and sisters while I was slaving away in beautiful West Yellowstone, MT the summer before my senior year in high school. But that's another story.

Since we were going to be in AZ anyway, Jason's parents decided it was time to "right the wrong" or "shut Jason up"- whichever version you want to believe. They had been camping in northern Arizona for Independence Day and it was convenient for them to move their trailer over to Flagstaff. The weather was beautiful. The canyon was beautiful. Everyone enjoyed the few days away from the heat. Randy even ate at restaurants on the trip- twice! I don't remember the last time he ate a grilled cheese sandwich, but he confidently ordered it and then ate every bit. Lovely! As we were leaving the park, we saw a giant elk, peacefully chowing on road side grass. He was amazing. I don't think I've ever seen an animal that large, outside of a zoo.

Again, I've posted a slide-show of our pictures on YouTube. Jason took some great shots. Hope you enjoy.


Cindi said...

I love family vacations! Great slide show of the grand canyon.

Brooke said...

Another awesome slide show! Thank you so much for putting these together, Karen and Jason. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.