Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A-maze-ing Grace

My children had never attended a funeral, until we drove to Tucson for Grandma Scott's. I tried to share with them what to expect. But I don't think they were very prepared. Especially Randy.

When he walked into the viewing and saw her in her casket, he fell apart. Ty did a great job trying to comfort him. My son's distraut tears broke my heart. I took him for a walk around the church and it was a nice opportunity to remind him of God's plan for us, that we will see Grandma again. As we sat in the chapel for the funeral service, Randy pulled out his "Maze Book," a spiral bound note-book that he uses to draw mazes. These are the mazes he drew that day- complete with his instructions (Translations in italics.) 

There came great grandma scot's death!  So she in her spirit, help her get to Jesus Ch(r)ist. 
(Randy explained to me that Grandma is in the top left hand corner.  She has wings and is carrying a harp.  Jesus is waiting for her, with his arms out-stretched. The "s" stands for "start" and the "f" is for finish.)
Help the Bishops get the dead great grandma to the grave yard!
(In this picture, Grandma's casket is sitting on the "accordian" wheels that they pushed into the chapel.  He showed what was inside the casket- Grandma's body, surrounded by tearful family members.  Her eyes are shut and he has written "dead" above her body.  Randy is the face on the bottom with a great deal of tears.)
That's the end of the Death Corner!  Good-bye!

As I sat beside my son during the funeral service, watching him draw and deal with these powerful emotions, I felt God's spirit surround us.  Because of Randy's autism, I wonder what he understands from Family Home Evening and his Primary classes.  It is quite obvious to me, that he comprehends a great deal and that he is one of Heavenly Father's choice spirits.  We are so grateful to have him as part of our family.


Heather (wife, mom) said...

so neat to see the way his mind works- it seems like he has an appropriate grasp on the situation too, the peace that being with our Heavenly Father can bring.

loriwelker said...

It was great to be able to see this again! Such an amazing faith of such an amazing little boy! :)