Her funeral services are over. And so is my contribution. I still feel I didn't do enough, barely managing to choke out her name as I started. What I wanted to say- and I don't feel I did accurately- is that I recognize I am where I am because of the pioneers that went before me- the ones that crossed the prairie in covered wagons, my Grandma Scott who left home and family because of her testimony of Jesus Christ and his church, my own parents who moved us all over the world and taught us that the "rock of our Redeemer" is the only sure foundation in a world of constant change. Would my dad be the dad he was and is, without the choices of my grandma? And would I be where I am now, if he didn't keep the covenants that were so important to her?
Sitting in the chapel during her funeral service, I felt surrounded by her love and her most important legacy- her family. I sat beside my children, and felt the weight of responsibility placed on my shoulders- a weight I gladly carry. I am a link in the chain of an eternal family. I am blessed by the sacrifices of my forefathers (and mothers.) I will insure that my children and grandchildren have every opportunity for those same blessings.
That's what I thought too Karen--beautiful. I'm glad to be your cousin and share a bit in that family legacy of faith.
I am thinking of you!
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