Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too Many Cooks . . .

There has been one single thing that has saved my sanity over these six days of schoollessness (yes, it's a word.  I just made it up.)  That would be play-dates.  When we have friends over to play, my kids actually play instead of whining to me.  On Monday, it was the Donaldson kids for dinner and playtime.  Tonight we hosted the Fullmer boys.  Kyler and Lucy are best buddies, as are Ty and Austin.  Tyson came over to play with Randy, but as soon as I started cooking dinner- pancakes- Tyson wanted to come help.  (I don't think Randy even noticed Tyson's absence.)  Once Tyson started working, Lucy and Kyler wanted to help, as well.  It was awesome.  

Tyson was a fountain of culinary wisdom.  Apparently, three stirs to the right, then three stirs to the left make amazing pancakes.  And he was right.  Since I had assistants  in the
 kitchen with me, I couldn't sneak in any veggies (see previous post), but Tyson got pretty excited when I added a cup of wheat flour.  (He thought it was cinnamon.)    We swapped pancake ideas- Tyson adding chocolate chips to them as they cooked and I shared our warm cinnamon applesauce tradition.  Since we had so much going on in the kitchen at one time, I forgot to add the baking powder.  That quickly became our apparent as the first batch came off of the pan.  Tyson still wanted to sample them, declaring they were "so-so".  He chewed for a minute, then said, "No, these are great!"  What a sweetheart!

It was wonderful to have them over tonight.  We have some more friends and activities lined up for the rest of the week.  But I got to be honest- I'm really looking forward to school resuming on Monday.


Tara said...

so cute...Ty is always ready and willing to help in the kitchen! Thanks so much for saving Shawn's sanity while I have been stuck waiting for a flight that hasn't been cancelled!! :)

Karen Scott Welker said...

When Shawn knocked on the door to pick the boys up, Kyler yelled "Mommy!" It made me a little sad! I know they are all looking forward to you being home.