Monday, September 15, 2008

I like Ike. OK, no, not really.

Family, friends, co-workers, everyone warned us that when we moved to Houston, Texas, we would fall prey to horrible hurricanes.   What are the chances, I thought.  At least we have plenty of warning with a hurricane, with weeks of "EYE ON THE TROPICS!" updates on the news.  After seven years of near misses and one evacuation, I thought I was ready for whatever Mother Nature could throw at us.  Here's what I learned from Hurricane Ike.
1.  I am extremely blessed.  Our "damage" was tiny, insignificant- a crooked chimney, a loose nail in the roof, a leaning fence, lost foliage on our spindly little tree.   Our cul-de-sac looked about the same.  But two blocks away!  Fences gone, tree limbs in the street, blue tarps protecting holes in roofs.  And then to see the devastation on the coast.  Blessed, blessed, blessed.
2.  I have an amazing family.  I could almost feel everyone's prayers and concerns.  The worry in Dad's voice made me worry, and I already knew we were fine.  Jason's parents were ready to cut short their vacation to drive a generator out to us.  Thanks so much for your calls, posts, messages and prayers.
3.  I am spoiled.  And so are my husband and kids.  We couldn't endure one day without electricity.  It was stressful thinking about the food in our refrigerator and freezer rotting and spoiling.  My kids were bored and hot by noon.  And I was short-tempered and sticky.  I told Jason that we will never survive Armageddon

1 comment:

jason said...

Spoiled, am I? Why I oughtta...!

Wonderful way to start your blog. Keep it up!