10. Playing "The Game of Things"- with a room full of my favorite people and laughing at their responses. I learned some surprising stuff about people I know- including my own son!

9. Randy's "home-made" Raisin Bran- Randy was disappointed with Auntie Heather's cereal selection. But he adapted, asking for some "Total- 100% Nutrition," some raisins and sugar. He proceeded to pour some sugar on the table and roll raisins in the sugar. Voila! Homemade Raisin Bran! Heather was really good at praising his problem-solving skills, while Uncle David just handed him the Dustbuster.
8. Seeing good friends from high school and college serving valiantly in my mom's ward- Alma 17:2

7. Seeing my mom's brother at my dad's mother's funeral- (Does that make sense?) I was just really surprised to see him there. I shouldn't be. That is completely in character for my Uncle Steve. It was so fun to watch him interact with all of the kids. Randy said, "That Uncle Tom was great." It was also great to see uncles, aunts and cousins- some I hadn't seen for 20+ years. (That's my Uncle Steve, holding my nephew, Steven.)
6. Lucy dissin' my brother, David- Lucy heard from her cousins that she could get a lollipop from Uncle David if she gave him a hug and told him he was the best uncle ever. So she did. David gave her the lollipop. Then she said, "I didn't mean it. I just said that to get a lollipop." Her face seemed to say, "Who's the sucker now?"

5. Randy flashing gang signs in every family picture we took- Front row, too. I'm such a proud mother. He said he just wanted to look "cool." Even with Randy's addition, I think this is a cool picture. There were a couple of Grandma's grand- and great-grandchildren missing. But still- a nice legacy.
4. Feeling honored by being asked to give the eulogy at Grandma's funeral service- Delivering the actual eulogy is not on the Top 10 list. But it was indeed an honor to be asked. Even if I was second choice.

3. Watching my oldest son comfort his grieving younger brother- More about Randy in a separate post.
2. Spending time with my Grandpa, my parents, brothers, sisters, their spouses and children and my in-laws too- I am truly blessed with an amazing family.
1. Remembering my amazing grandma- God be with you, Grandma, until we meet again.
Thanks for including us in your shout out! We have told Randy's 'home- made raisin bran' story a few times already- I was indeed impressed. We loved having you, even if you once again beat me at Ticket to Ride (thanks for not including that as a highlight).
On another note, we bought Things and had a blast playing with friends the other night.
Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. It looks like ya'll had a nice visit though. My grandmother actually passed yesterday too. Luckily I won't have to drive 30 hours. She will be buried in Houston. It's comforting to know what we know being members of the church.
Karen - loved this and loved seeing your family! Talking with you and Jason is always the big highlight for us - I'd like to think that even if we weren't family that we'd be friends since we have the best conversations and good times together. I know that drive can be extremely wearing and hope you know how grateful I was (as was the rest of the family) that ya'll could be there.
Great stuff, Karen. If I had done a top 10 list for that trip - your funny children would definately have made it too! They crack me up!
Funerals are always a joyful time it seems in some ways because you see all the loved ones unless the person who passed had a tragic life or something. That is so cool that you were asked to give the great!
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