I thought it was my civic duty to forewarn everyone about the new "April Fool's virus." We thought we were safe, using Apple products and keeping our anti-virus software up-to-date. But apparently, we weren't thorough enough, because this one slipped by all of our safe-guards.
The main symptom was that the mouse pointer (the little arrow on your screen) was stuck in the upper left-hand corner and wouldn't move. I tried unplugging and reconnecting the mouse. I tried rebooting. I googled the symptoms on my iPhone, but didn't want to reinstall mouse drivers without my husband home (like I know what that means anyway.) Lucy wanted to play Webkinz, so I went downstairs to help her. That computer had the same issue. I finally broke down and texted Jason, who was stymied also. He said to leave it alone until he got home.
I hollered to the kids to not touch the computers because they weren't working, when a grinning teen-ager told me he could fix it. I told him not to touch the computers, because I didn't want more harm done. He started giggling and that's when I started to put two and two together.
Tyler walked into the office, turned over the mouse, and removed a small post-it note that read "April Fool's." Apparently, this nifty little trick worked on all of his teachers as well. What a stinker.
He'd better watch out next year. I'm thinking bug-flavored brownies?
Holy Cow!! These kids are so smart, how are we ever going to stay one step ahead?! Have to say, he's funny and very clever! :O)
The teenagers must've have planned and plotted because mine didn't work this morning either! I thought it was too cute!
A little salt in the wound...it took me only a minute cuz when it wouldn't move I turning the mouse upside down to see what was up! :)
Way to be a blogger today!
Yep, the virus struck here too. I peeled off my own post it note from my mouse that read, "April fools! [heart] Sarah!" I did the same as Tara and turned my mouse upside down... what a bunch of funny, fun kids!
Love it! Give a high five to my smarty-pants nephew for me!
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