I can't believe Randy is 10 now. A couple of people congratulated him on reaching "double digits," but it was obvious he didn't understand what they were talking about. After it was explained to him, he told everyone he met that he was now "double-digited."
One of the best things about Randy is his unbridled joy. Watching him unwrap gifts is as fun as getting gifts yourself. This is his reaction to getting inserts for his Pokemon binder. Don't you wish everyone reacted to your gifts this way?
Randy had a "big" birthday party this year. He invited his buddies from church and we played those silly party games at our house. Of course, Randy had a blast and I think his friends did too.
This crazy kid brings joy, frustrations and surprises into my life every day- sometimes one emotion followed by the other within seconds. I've learned so much about true Christ-like love and reliance on the Lord from him and from being around him. I'm so thankful he's my son and hope that a part of him is always 10 years old.
Such a cutie! We love Randy and wish you were closer and we could all celebrate together. I also find it super cool how much we mom's learn from our kids... one of the greatest blessings.
Love that kid! He is so funny. Ya'll nicely captured his excitement over those gifts...and wow - he was such a CUTE baby! Hard to believe he is 10.
Love that boy! And great blogging, Karen. I like the throw-back picture. He was such a cute little boy... and still is!
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