Tyler and Jason home teach Bro. and Sis. Ott. While visiting last week, Sis. Ott asked about our Thanksgiving. Jason said he wanted to deck Tyler when he nonchalantly said we had "You know, the usual... cranberry sauce, turkey, pie..." Jason was quick to give me credit for cooking all that stuff from scratch. When Jay shared this story, I replied that I was glad Tyler took for granted my cooking. We may have spoiled him though. And may I brag a little bit? I baked the "Best. Cherry. Pie. Ever." We'll have an encore pie for Christmas. Anyone who doesn't think I can back up that claim is invited over to try some.
But Sis. Ott could beat Tyler's story. She is also Lucy's Primary teacher. She said when asked about her Thanksgiving, Lucy said we ate "pretzels, popcorn, jelly beans and toast." And we did. Inspired by Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving feast, we served that as their pre-feast snack. It was a hit. I'm surprised Lucy remembered all the courses and we'll do it again next year.
Sis. Ott was confused by Lucy's answer (It's probably been a while since she's seen the Thanksgiving special.) She asked Lucy if we ate turkey or pie for Thanksgiving. When Lucy said we didn't, Sis. Ott was worried that something drastic had happened to us, that we couldn't afford a traditional feast. I figured that she should know Lucy a little better after being her teacher for over a year!
Jason took the entire week off for Thanksgiving. We had the lights up and the house decorated by the time he returned to work. It was a great Thanksgiving and we're happily headed to Christmas!
What a great idea for the pre Thanksgiving snack! Now if I could just get Micah to sit still long enough to watch the movie! Maybe in a few years we can do this too!
Mmmm, cherry pie...
looks like a wonderful time - and how nice that Jason had so much time off!
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