Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tagged- Top 8 (in no particular order)

My 8 Favorite TV Shows
1- The Office
2- Lost
3- Lie to Me
4- Fringe
5- Ace of Cakes
6- Biggest Loser
7- Mythbusters
8- Jon and Kate Plus 8 (although I might quit watching.  This season depresses me.)

8 Things I did Yesterday
2- Worked on Scout Day Camp plans
3- Worried
4- Fixed dinner
5- Showered
6- Helped with homework
7- Discussed future with my husband
8- Crochet

8 Favorite Restaurants
1- Papasito's
2- Melting Pot
3- Taco Grill
4- Chick Fil A
5- Alamo Drafthouse 
6- Pei Wei
7- That good Middle East place
8- Anywhere that serves good sushi

8 Things I'm Looking Forward to
1- Closure
2- Scout Day Camp to be over
3- Starting college courses
4- A mission with my husband
5- Weekends
6- New Zoe Keatting album
7- Being a grandmother
8- Bedtime

8 Things on my Wish List
1- Happy, independent children
2- A trip to Belgium
3- A cure for autism
4- A clean house
5- Cute shoes that fit my freakishly large feet
6- An eternal family
7- A news source that is truly fair and balanced
8- A reunion with my mission companions

Now I tag 8 people
1- Jason
2- Suuuuuuuuuuuusan
3- Heather
4- Brooke
5- Kim (I know she doesn't blog yet, but I'm hoping she will.)
6- Melanie
7- Robert
8- Tara


Harmony said...

Just in case you haven't seen this before--"My Favorite Things," by Hillary Weeks:


Susan said...

Consider it done! And I too wish Kim and Lisa would jump on the bloggers bandwagon!

Heather (wife, mom) said...

Dave won't watch Jon and Kate with me anymore either. It really is depressing now, especially after watching older episodes where everyone is so happy.

Ditto on the news source. Is it bad that I don't watch the news because I don't believe any of it anymore?

And I can't wait to be a grandma either! That's where the really fun's at.

Elise said...

Fun lists, Karen. I think mine would overlap with yours in many areas, but please fill me in on "that good Middle East place"!!