This is why mothers have to sometimes sit back, relax and let their kids just be kids. Because sometimes, an honest-to-goodness miracle just might happen.
Since Jason and I both have stake callings, all of our kids "get" to go to the various ward conferences we must attend about once a month. Today, church was at 9 am, instead of in the afternoon. Jason had meetings before, which meant I got all the kids to church by myself- which in all honesty is much easier now than when he was in the Bishopric. Then he drove them all home while I stayed for 2 1/2 hours of more meetings. I tell you this so that I can set the stage for my mental state when I walked in the door at 3 PM.
My beloved husband had "linner" (lunch+dinner) on the stove. It smelled delicious. The kids were in the front room, playing a made-up game that involved four different puzzles and all their various pieces. The family was called to the table. Randy and Tyler were up to their usual silliness. I was too tired and hungry to attempt to call order to our meal. I just wanted to eat.
The prayer was said. The silliness continued. Randy was imitating everything that Tyler was doing. It started as silly faces, but quickly escalated to arm flapping and waving. In the mean time, Jason and I are serving food on plates- tilapia, peas, cornbread (Oh, I love my husband.) The only thing Randy will touch of this meal is cornbread. He's attempted a pea in order to get dessert. But the fish? Just have a piece on his plate will usually send him into convulsions of revulsion. But today, Randy was distracted by Tyler and didn't notice that there was protein sitting in front of him.
Tyler picked up his glass. Randy did too. Ty took a drink. Randy did too. Ty picked up his fork. So did Randy. Ty picked up his knife. So did Randy. Tyler cut a piece of fish. Randy continued to copy him. By now, the entire family is frozen in place, watching the drama. We all knew what Ty was going to do. Who was going to fold first? Would Randy "lose" the game by quitting? What would start tonight's temper tantrum- losing or eating?
Tyler speared a piece of tilapia onto his fork. Randy copied him. Tyler lifted the piece of fish to his mouth. Randy followed suit. Tyler put the fish into his mouth, chewed and swallowed. All eyes shifted to Randy. Randy lifted his fork, slid it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed as well. Then he looked to see what Tyler was going to do next. But Tyler was gaping at him as much as the rest of us were.
Randy ate fish and didn't run screaming to the bathroom!!! We sat there in silence, our mouths open in shock, all eyes locked on Randy. Jason finally broke the silence and asked, "How was it?"
"Not bad."
"Would you like some more?"
"Randy. You just ate a piece of fish."
Jason kept saying, "I can't believe you ate fish!" He gave high-fives to Randy and Tyler and I awarded each of them lavishly with 10 whole tokens- which is big money in our house.
This might not seem like a bid deal to anyone else. But I think this is the first time that Randy has willingly eaten something from the meat side of the food pyramid. Without a giant production to get him to that point. And without the lecture on how disgusting that food was following. I just had to chill and let kids be kids.
Wow. Who knew?
One small bite for Randy, one giant leap for Fish-deniers everywhere!
I have to say, I was gripped! How exciting! Go Randy and GO TYLER for being clever and a good example!
No big deal? That's a HUGE deal! Colton has yet to eat meat or fish. Can I borrow Tyler to come play the game at our house? What an awesome miracle for you guys.
Way to go Tyler, smart thinking. Congratulations to Randy for trying fish. It's nice when we can sit back and relax while our children step into help one another. Something that maybe we couldn't do. You're a great mom!!
That is so cool! And definitely a big deal! Way to go Randy and Tyler!
Wow! Wish I could see that happen with my picky eaters.
Please tell us more about the tokens. My current system is only succeeding at making Mommy grumpy!
great story! I too was gripped with the dramatic event. Go Randy! That's especially cool that he didn't think it tasted too bad. Maybe you've really turned a page here... but even if he hasn't, what a great experience
THIS is a SERIOUSLY CLASSIC dinner episode. It sounds so good I am alsmost suspicious if anything so funny and cool can happen in real life, but when you've got some serious smart genes I guess they can come up with some doozies at the dinner table. HOW FUN, glad you blogged about it. P.S. What country are you in??
Great post, Karen! Sorry it took so long for me to read it.
... and the best part is, Randy tried hamburger this weekend, using the same technique... TWO BITES!! I hope you keep blogging about Randy's miracle summer.
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